my last day

ape kene mengena sye dgn Kumon ni??erm sye lah salah seorg bekas studentnye..hehe
ramai org ingat kumon ni utk bdak2 tp tak ok.Klau kat oversea tu student lepasan U pn still amik class ni.Mule2 dlu pn tak pernah terfikir pn nk terjebak dgn benda nih.Mase tu saje je ikut mak anta my lil bro nk ambik diagnosis test kat situ.Tetibe cikgu kat situ heret sye skali pegi buat test.Eh2 ape kes ni??and lpas buat test die terangkan la ape kelemahan sye kat BI tu.Sye pn terima lah seadanya kan..haha 

Kumon ni homeworknye hari2 ade.Mmg agak seksa la jugak tp best.At least i can improve my english kan?haha tp mcm tak je.hehe!

The Kumon Method is an individualized learning method. Each student progresses at his or her own pace. The Kumon Instructor supports each student in developing self-learning ability.It is essential to foster confidence.

yup agree with that statement.Lpas da msok class ni ade la skit confident nk buat ape2. Especially nk buat English essay.Klau sblm ni bile tibe je exam da tak tenteram hidup tp skrg relax je.Klau tak tau pn bantai jer..hahaha tu la confident namenye.System kat sini semua kene buat sendiri.Name pn kelas individu.Masa mula2 mmg blur habis la. 

The key to individualized instruction is to study at the ‘just-right’ level. The starting point for each Kumon student is determined individually. Students start with a level where they can attain a perfect score by studying on their own.The Kumon worksheets are structured to foster self-learning
The worksheets have been designed in a way that allows students to figure out how to solve problems on their own. Examples and explanations are clearly provided when moving on to new topics, encouraging students to self-learn and advance independently at all times.

and now sye da bergelar ex-student.Tak sempat nk jadi completer.Ade la lg beberapa level.Lpas ni da tak boleh tgk macam2 kerenah budak2 comel.Kadang2 best and kadang2 tu rase mcm nk pegi lempang sorang2..hahaha agk sedih jgak la nk tggalkan tmpat ni setelah bersama2 selama setahun lebih ni.Mase SPM haritu pn bergunala jugak ilmu2 yg teacher2 kat sini curahkan walaupn BI tak dpt A++.Thanx a lot to them.Da kira bersyukur sgt lah nie~ Alhamdulillah.

my name



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